Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Ch 15-18

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk about the end of Chamber of Secrets and what she thought of the whole book.

Episode Notes

Chapter Fifteen - Aragog

Q1 - Who do you think would be the best person thus far to replace Dumbledore as headmaster?

Q2 - Is it irresponsible for Harry to leave the cloak at Hagrids because he doesn’t think he’ll need it.

Q3 - What animal do you hate or that creeps you out more than any other?

Q4 - At this point, who do you think had opened the Chamber?

Chapter Sixteen - The Chamber of Secrets

Q1 - What was Percy doing? Just kidding…

Q2 - Do we condone tearing out pages from old library books?

Q3 - Should they wait for another night to send the students home or should they send the students home immediately?

Q4 - Did you know Lockhart was a fraud from the beginning?

Q5 - Why did Dumbledore hire him?

Chapter Seventeen - The Heir of Slytherin

Q1 - Did you suspect Tom Riddle?

Q2 - What is your impression of Tom Riddle?

Q3 - How do you think Voldermort lost his powers?

Q4 - How do you think Tom concealed himself in the diary? How does that magic work?

Chapter Eighteen - Dobby’s Reward

Q1 - What do you think of the Tom Riddle backstory?

Q2 - 200 points a piece for Gryffindor?!

Q3 - What do you think about Voldermort giving some of his powers over to Harry? 

Q4 - How much of a tool is Lucious Malfoy?

Q5 - Do you think it’s irresponsible for Dumbledore to let Harry have the diary back?

Q6 - What do we think of Dobby?

Q7 - Is Elf magic as powerful as wizard magic?