Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Ch 6-10

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk over the next few chapters of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and whether dumbledore really was going to get hot chocolate.

Episode Notes

Chapter Six - Gilderoy Lockhart

Q1 - What do you think Gran’s howler was about? And do you like the idea of howlers?

Q2 - Thoughts on Lockhart?

Q3 - In their first Herbology lesson, Hermione won twenty points in twenty seconds by answering two question correctly, yet Ron and Harry won a collective 5 points for defeating a fully grown mountain troll?

Q4 - What do you think happens to the animals the students transfigure into objects?

Q5 - Thoughts on Colin Creevey?

Q6 - Do you think Harry should sell signed pictures and give the money to the Wealey family?

Q7 - Do you think Lockhart is a good wizard?

Chapter 7 - Mudbloods and Murmurs

Q1 - Do we like captain Oliver Wood, or is he a bit much?

Q2 - How much of Quidditch do you think is skill vs. the equipment you buy?

Q3 - Should it be legal for a father to buy an entire team racing brooms?

Q4 - Do you think anything Lockhart says is true?

Q5 - Why do you think Dumbledore hired Lockhart?

Q6 - Do you have any theories on how Hagrid got expelled?

Q7 - At the end of the chapter what do you think the voice was/came from?

Q8 - What is the best/worst reason you ever got detention?

Chapter 8 - The Deathday Party

Q1 - What do you think Nick did to warrant getting hit 45 times with an axe in the neck?

Q2 - Do you think there should be some regulation against turning your wife into a Yak with kwikspell?

Q3 - What do you think a vanishing cabinet is? 

Q4 - Have you ever felt like you walked through a ghost?

Q5 - Would you rather go to a deathday party or a halloween feast?

Q6 - What do you think this voice is?

Q7 - What do you think “Enemies of the Heir, Beware” means?

Chapter 9 - The Writing on the Wall

Q1 - Is murdering someone for murdering you pet an appropriate response?

Q2 - Why did Snape defend the trio?

Q3 - Why doesn’t Harry just tell the truth of what he heard?

Q4 - Is Ron showing bias when he is offended at mudblood, but sniggers at Squib?

Q5 - The clock chimed midnight after the meeting with Dumbledore…was the feast going till 11:30?

Q6 - Do you think the chamber exists? Where do you think it is? And what do you think the monster is?

Q7 - How cruel are Fred and George for turning baby Ron’s Teddy bear into a spider?

Q8 - Thoughts on Moaning Myrtle?

Q9 - How does Myrtle, who is a ghost, splash water all over the bathroom?

Q10 - Who would you transform into if you had a little bit of polyjuice potion?

Chapter Ten - The Rogue Bludger

Q1 - Lockharts signature is loopy, do you think a person's signature tells a lot about them?

Q2 - How incompetent is Madam Hooch? (maybe a leading question…)

Q3 - Should this Quidditch match have been called off?

Q4 - Have you ever broken a bone?

Q5 - What is Dobby’s deal?

Q6 - You think Dumbledore was really getting hot chocolate?

Q7 - What does he mean?