Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Ch 2-3

Episode Summary

“They think I’m a waste of space, actually, but I’m used to —” “I don’t think you’re a waste of space.” If Harry had not seen Dudley’s lips move, he might not have believed it. And dang do we love a little redemption arc. So join Jon, Jenn, Danny, and Kristen as they talk over chapters 2-3 of Deathly Hallows. They talk over some theories about what will happen, their impressions of the characters, and why Harry is gross for not cleaning out his trunk in seven years.

Episode Notes

Chapter 2 - In Memoriam

Q1 - How gross is Harry?

Q2 - Will this come back in the end of the story?

Q3 - Is this true? Why didn’t Harry know anything about this?

Q4 - Is this a realistic depiction of Albus? Can a first year be the best student in the school?

Q5 - Did you know Dumbledore had a sister?

Q6 - Why would Dumbledore feel personally responsible?

Q7 - What do you think of the line “for the greater good.”

Q8 - What do you think he saw in the mirror?

Q9 - Will any of this biography be true?

Q10 - Who is this source?

Q11 - Will any of this be true? What is she talking about here?

Q12 - How would you describe their relationship with each other?

Q13 - What just happened?

Chapter 3 - The Dursleys Departing

Q1 - What do you think of this?

Q2 - Do you think the Dursleys are ridiculous? Do you have any sympathy for them?

Q3 - What do you think of Dudley doing this? 

Q4 - What do you think she wanted to say to him?