First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Ch 21-23

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy mourn the death of Dobby.

Episode Notes

Chapter 21 - The Tale of the Three Brothers

Q1 - Do you think Harry’s cloak could be one of the Hallows?

Q2 - If it exists, where do you think the Resurrection stone is?

Q3 - If it exists, where is the wand?

Q4 - Which is the best?

Q5 - What is Hermione doing here?

Chapter 22 - The Deathly Hallows

Q1 - Who could survive Azkaban the best out of everyone we’ve met?

Q2 - Do you think that the stone is the ring?

Q3 - What do you think of Harry’s questions here?

Q4 - What did Dumbledore want?

Q5 - Are Harry’s instincts always right?

Chapter 23 - Malfoy Manor

Q1 - How unfortunate is the end of the last chapter and this one?

Q2 - Is Stan actually bad?

Q3 - What does he mean that he never had it?

Q4  - Why doesn’t Draco identify them here?

Q5 - Why is Bella so freaked out?

Q6 - What was going on there?

Q7 - What does Voldemort not understand?

Q8 - Poetic justice here? What do you think about Harry trying to save Pettigrew?

Q9 - Does triple wand power work greater?

Q10 - Raise a glass to Dobby