Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Ch 6-10

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk about the Quidditch World Cup and if this book is any good or not.

Episode Notes

Chapter 6 - The Portkey

INTRO - Character impressions in your mind.

Q1 - Is this the worst feeling ever? Non-snow days? What is the worst feeling as a kid?

Q2 - You need a license to Apparate? Do you think anything else should require a license in the magical world?

Q3 - What’s the earliest you’ve ever woken up?

Q4 - Would you rather travel by broom, apparition, or portkey?

Q5 - Amos Diggory works for the department of the regulation and control of magical creatures…did he vote yes to killing buckbeak?

Q6 - How do you like Amos and Cedric?

Q7 - Thoughts on the wizarding world spreading trash around the planet in the form of portkeys?

Chapter 7 - Bagman and Crouch

Q1 - If you had to hide a quidditch world cup game, how would you do it?

Q2 - How should they deal with Mr Roberts…should some Muggles just be able to know about Wizards?

Q3 - How do you like the magic of expanding something like the tent into being massive inside?

Q4 - How large do you figure the wizarding world is? 

Q5 - There’s a description of all sorts of other witches and wizards here, if you could travel to see magic from any other country in the world, where would you go visit?

Q6 - What do you think they do in the Department of Mysteries?

Q7 - How do you like Bagman and Crouch? Which do you like more?

Q8 - Broom or Carpet?

Q9 - Harry gets Ron omnioculars…is he cheap for saying he won’t get anything for him for Christmas?

Chapter 8 - The Quidditch World Cup

Q1 - What do you think of House Elves? Should they be set free?

Q2 - Do you think it’s cruel to have a house elf sit at the booth who is afraid of heights just to save a seat?

Q3 - What are your thoughts on the Veela and the Leprechauns? 

Q4 - What would the American mascot be?

Q5 - What do you think of Victor Krum?

Q6 - Would you want to go to this game?

Q7 - Was Krum an idiot for ending the game when they were down too much?

Chapter 9 - The Dark Mark

Q1 - Have you ever been in a riot or a situation this scary?

Q2 - What do you think of these masked people’s actions?

Q3 - Do you think Lucious might be out there among the masked people?

Q4 - How many magical schools do you think there are?

Q5 - Do you think Harry is right, that Winky is just disobeying, or do you think she was cursed?

Q6 - Do you think Stan Shunpike would ever become minister of magic? And would he do better than Fudge?

Q7 - What do you think Bagman was doing deep in the woods? Do you trust him?

Q8 - What do you think of the Dark Mark?

Q9 - Do you think Crouch is good at his job or is he mad?

Q10 - Are wizards right to restrict wand usage to just humans?

Q11 - What are your thoughts on Amos Diggory’s interrogation style?

Q12 - What do you think of the Prior Incantato spell?

Q13 - What do you think of Mr Crouch and Winky’s relationship?

Q14 - Who do you think actually conjured the Dark Mark?

Q15 - What do you think of the Death Eaters?