Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Ch 13-16

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk about what they think of the students starting to fight back.

Episode Notes

Chapter 13 - Detention with Dolores

Q1 - Why do you think Dumbledore hired Dolores Jane Umbridge?

Q2 - They are writing an essay on moonstones…do you think this will play into the future somehow?

Q3 - How rigged is the point system?

Q4 - What direction do you hope the books go in? What has interested you the most at this point?

Q5 - Harry’s story is becoming a conspiracy theory…do you believe any conspiracy theories?

Q6 - What do you think of Umbridge and her detention with Harry?

Q7 - If you had a detention with a student, what would you have them do?

Q8 - Would you stand true like Harry, or fake that she made her point?

Q9 - Why did his scar hurt here?

Chapter 14 - Percy and Padfoot

Q1 - How do Hogwarts students do their laundry?

Q2 - How many house elves do you think Hermione has freed?

Q3 - What’s the most you’ve tried to show off to someone you had a crush on?

Q4 - What is the deal with Sturgis Podmore?

Q5 - Who do you think will win the Quidditch cup this year?

Q6 - What does Percy mean here?

Q7 - Do you think Dumbldore will be sacked by the end of this?

Q8 - Harry thought a moon was covered in mice…

Q9 - What do you think of what Sirius said?

Chapter 15 - The Hogwarts High Inquisitor

Q1 - What do you think of Umbridge’s appointment as High Inquisitor?

Q2 - What do you think of the article in the Prophet?

Q3 - What do you think about the OWL grading system?

Q4 - Do you feel bad for Trelawney here?

Q5 - Do you think any teacher will get fired?

Q6 - Do you think Harry would be a good teacher?

Q7 - Unpack line above.

Chapter 16 - In the Hog’s Head

Q1 - What was the deal with Filch and the dungbombs and Hermione thinking through that story?

Q2 - If you owned a Wizard Brewery, what would you call it?

Q3 - Have we met this barman before?

Q4 - Is this an unreasonable request from Smith?

Q5 - Who is the better friend to Harry?

Q6 - Do Heliopaths exist?

Q7 - What do you think about all these people wanting to joining this group?

Q8 - What is a moment you were on cloud 9 from a crush?