Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Ch 19-21

Episode Summary

Weasley is our King! So join Jon, Jenn, Danny, and Kristen as they talk over chapters 19-21 of Order of the Phoenix. They talk over some theories about what will happen, their impressions of the characters, and how the what we all think of Thestrals

Episode Notes

Chapter 19 - The Lion and the Serpent

Q1 - Should Hermione be in Ravenclaw?

Q2 - What’s the best bit of trash talk you’ve ever heard? (Weasley is our King)

Q3 - Was Hermione’s kiss tactic a good one?

Q4 - What’s the most exciting sporting event you’ve ever seen?

Q5 - Was Harry and George right to do this?

Q6 - What were your thoughts when you initially read this?

Q7 - Is Umbridge the worst?

Chapter 20 - Hagrid’s Tale

Q1 - How do you like Hagrid being back?

Q2 - What do you think about Hagrid’s story?

Q3 - Do you think the giants will be on Voldemort’s side?

Q4 - How do you think the Hagrid Umbridge dynamic will work out?

Q5 - Will Hagrid get sacked?

Chapter 21 - The Eye of the Snake

Q1 - What do you think of Thestrals

Q2 - Is Umbridge still okay after this?

Q3 - Harry is going to the Burrow for Christmas…what’s the most memorable Christmas you’ve had?

Q4 - You think Ginny will be good at Quidditch?

Q5 - When Cho was hanging back during the DA meeting, did you know everything that was going to happen, like Hermione did, or were you oblivious like Ron.

Q6 - Is Hermione the best?

Q7 - Was this dream real?

Q8 - Was Harry the snake or was he watching the whole thing happen?