Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Ch 21-24

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk about occlumency and what it means to be in essence divided.

Episode Notes

Chapter 21 - The Eye of the Snake

Q1 - What do you think of Thestrals

Q2 - Is Umbridge still okay after this?

Q3 - Harry is going to the Burrow for Christmas…what’s the most memorable Christmas you’ve had?

Q4 - You think Ginny will be good at Quidditch?

Q5 - When Cho was hanging back during the DA meeting, did you know everything that was going to happen, like Hermione did, or were you oblivious like Ron.

Q6 - Is Hermione the best?

Q7 - Was this dream real?

Q8 - Was Harry the snake or was he watching the whole thing happen?

Chapter 22 - St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Q1 - What are those voices? And what are they talking about?

Q2 - What does Dumbledore know?

Q3 - Dumbledore tells Fawkes that they will need a warning…what is he talking about?

Q4 - What does Dumbledore mean, in essence divided? What is happening here?

Q5 - Does it scare you that Dumbledore is being this intense?

Q6 - What is going on here?

Q7 - Do you side with Sirius or the Weasleys wanting to go see their dad?

Q8 - Maybe this is too personal but have you ever had a moment of waiting for bad news like this?

Q9 - What do you think is happening here?

Q10 - What floor would you want to work on?

Q11 - What was Mr Weasley guarding?

Q12 - What does this mean?

Chapter 23 - Christmas on the Closed Ward

Q1 - What is Voldemort after? Is Harry really the weapon?

Q2 - Is Dumbledore right to keep his secrets?

Q3 - Is it crazy to you that Harry would rather be back with the Dursleys now?

Q4 - It’s great that Hermione comes, but is she being a bad kid to her parents?

Q5 - What’s the best gift you’ve ever given?

Q6 - Thoughts on Ron giving Hermione perfume?

Q7 - One of the healers thought Ron had Spattergroit…do you think he does?

Q8 - What do you think about them seeing Lockhart again?

Q9 - What do you think of the group meeting Neville here?

Q10 - What do you think of Neville after this?

Chapter 24 - Occlumency

Q1 - What is Kreacher up to?

Q2 - Thoughts on Occlumency?

Q3 - What’s in the package that Sirius gave Harry?

Q4 - What’s the best story you have of asking someone on a date?

Q5 - Would you want to be good at Occlumency or Legilimency?

Q6 - Would you be good at controlling your emotions like this?

Q7 - What’s in the department of mysteries?

Q8 - Why is Snape hiding his memories?

Q9 - Why is Voldemort so happy at the end of this chapter?