Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Ch 22-24

Episode Summary

“Then you will find yourself easy prey for the Dark Lord!" said Snape savagely. "Fools who wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked so easily - weak people, in other words - they stand no chance against his powers! He will penetrate your mind with absurd ease, Potter!” And we are not weak-minded! So join Jon, Jenn, Danny, and Kristen as they talk over chapters 22-24 of Order of the Phoenix. They talk over some theories about what will happen, their impressions of the characters, and what we think of Ron giving Hermione perfume for Christmas!

Episode Notes

Chapter 22 - St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Q1 - What are those voices? And what are they talking about?

Q2 - What does Dumbledore know?

Q3 - Dumbledore tells Fawkes that they will need a warning…what is he talking about?

Q4 - What does Dumbledore mean, in essence divided? What is happening here?

Q5 - Does it scare you that Dumbledore is being this intense?

Q6 - What is going on here?

Q7 - Do you side with Sirius or the Weasleys wanting to go see their dad?

Q8 - Maybe this is too personal but have you ever had a moment of waiting for bad news like this?

Q9 - What do you think is happening here?

Q10 - What floor would you want to work on?

Q11 - What was Mr Weasley guarding?

Q12 - What does this mean?

Chapter 23 - Christmas on the Closed Ward

Q1 - What is Voldemort after? Is Harry really the weapon?

Q2 - Is Dumbledore right to keep his secrets?

Q3 - Is it crazy to you that Harry would rather be back with the Dursleys now?

Q4 - It’s great that Hermione comes, but is she being a bad kid to her parents?

Q5 - What’s the best gift you’ve ever given?

Q6 - Thoughts on Ron giving Hermione perfume?

Q7 - One of the healers thought Ron had Spattergroit…do you think he does?

Q8 - What do you think about them seeing Lockhart again?

Q9 - What do you think of the group meeting Neville here?

Q10 - What do you think of Neville after this?

Chapter 24 - Occlumency

Q1 - What is Kreacher up to?

Q2 - Thoughts on Occlumency?

Q3 - What’s in the package that Sirius gave Harry?

Q4 - What’s the best story you have of asking someone on a date?

Q5 - Would you want to be good at Occlumency or Legilimency?

Q6 - Would you be good at controlling your emotions like this?

Q7 - What’s in the department of mysteries?

Q8 - Why is Snape hiding his memories?

Q9 - Why is Voldemort so happy at the end of this chapter?