Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Ch 28-30

Episode Summary

Fred looked across the hall at the poltergeist bobbing on his level above the crowd. ʹGive her hell from us, Peeves.ʹ And Peeves, who Harry had never seen take an order from a student before, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset. What an amazing section, so join Jon, Jenn, Danny, and Kristen as they talk over chapters 28-30 of Order of the Phoenix. They talk over some theories about what will happen, their impressions of the characters, and what to make of not only Cho and Harry's relationship, and what we think of James Potter

Episode Notes

Chapter 28 - Snape’s Worst Memory

Q1 - Do you think Dumbledore did this or is this just the magic of the castle?

Q2 - Where do you think Montague vanished to?

Q3 - What do you think about the new point system?

Q4 - What is Harry looking at here?

Q5 - Who is right in this debate?

Q6 - Should Harry have looked into Snape’s memories?

Q7 - Jenn and Danny, what do you think about the color and shape of the eyes?

Q8 - What do you think of the young marauders and of Lily and Snape?

Q9 - Were James and Lily married because of this bet?

Q10 - Is James Potter a jerk?

Chapter 29 - Careers Advice

Q1 - What is going on with Harry at the start of this chapter? (Is he only depressed because of the memory he saw?)

Q2 - Is Harry an idiot to be breaking into Umbridge’s office to talk with Sirius?

Q3 - What would the trio be good at for their jobs?

Q4 - What would you want to do in the wizarding world?

Q5 - Thoughts on the showdown with McG and Umbridge?

Q6 - How do you look at your past self?

Q7 - Are Sirius and Lupin right to laugh it off like this?

Q8 - What do you think about this?

Chapter 30 - Grawp

Q1 - What prank would you play on Umbridge now?

Q2 - Should Harry be that serious about occlumency and going back to Snape?

Q3 - Hagrid mentions he’s going to help Dumbledore when he gets sacked…what is he going to do?

Q4 - Is Hagrid right to have his brother like this?

Q5 - What do you think about Centaurs?

Q6 - Why is Hermione so mad here?

Q7 - What do you think about Ron having a good match?