Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Ch 1-4

Episode Summary

Lizzy and Jon talk about the beginning of Azkaban and what they initially think of Aunt Marge

Episode Notes

Chapter 1 - Owl Post

Q1 - Wendelin the Weird is so named because she liked to be burned, if you had a title to your name, what do you think it would be?

Q2 - Why haven’t wizards adopted ballpoint pens yet?

Q3 - Do you think the grand prize was fixed so that the Weasleys could win after what happened to them last year?

Q4 - Would you want a pocket Sneakoscope?

Q5 - Did you guys get really into the go-back-to-school countdown and sales and stuff?

Chapter 2 - Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake

Q1 - Have you ever, in your town, heard about a prisoner escaping or some serious crime happening?

Q2 - Have you ever called someone Aunt or Uncle who isn’t really your relative?

Q3 - Do you think Harry’s strategy of threatening his Uncle to forgot the school name in order to get his permission form signed is the right way to go about it?

Q4 - Would you rather live in an orphanage or with the Dursleys?

Q5 - Why do you think Vernon made Harry sit there with Marge at the dinner table?

POD NOTE: Danny mentioned Harry was sure to run away soon if he didn’t end up going to Hogwarts.

Chapter 3 - The Knight Bus

Q1 - What do you think Harry saw that was “very big, with wide, gleaming eyes…like a dog, but massive?”

Q2 - Where have we seen Sirius Black before in this book?

Q3 - Why do you think Sirius Black murdered 13 people with one curse?

Q4 - How do you think a wizard or witch could escape from a magical prison?

Q5 - Why did Fudge come to see Harry?

Chapter 4 - The Leaky Cauldron

Q1 - Why do you think Florean Fortescue is giving Harry free sundaes every half-hour?

Q2 - Which of Harry’s two new classes (Care of Magical Creatures or Divination) sounds more interesting?

Q3 - Would you want a pet rat or a cat?

Q4 - Who is your favorite of the Weasleys?

Q5 - Why do you think Sirius Black wants to murder Harry?