Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Ch 14-18

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk about the marauders and what Snape's issue is all about.

Episode Notes

Chapter 14 - Snape’s Grudge

Q1 - What should the procedure be after Sirius Black has been caught sneaking into Hogwarts again?

Q2 - Why hadn’t Sirius killed Ron and then gone to Harry?

Q3 - What is the hardest you have ever laughed?

Q4 - Does Snape have a point about Harry here?

Q5 - What do you think of Snape and James Potter?

Q6 - Who do you think made the Marauders Map?

Chapter 15 - The Quidditch Final

Q1 - Do you think Ron and Hermione or Harry and Hermione are a better couple?

Q2 - How do we like aggressive Hermione?


Q3 - What do you think is the deal with crookshanks and the grim?

Q4 - How bad of a seeker is Malfoy?

Q5 - Do you guys like quidditch now?

Chapter 16 - Professor Trelawney’s Prediction

Q1 - What do you think differentiates between a charm and a spell?

Q2 - Which of professor Lupins final exam obstacles would trip you up?

Q3 - If you had to make up a prediction, what would you say?

Q4 - What are your thoughts about this prediction?

Q5 - Is Trelawney a true seer?

Q6 - Has Hermione changed at all from this book to the previous two?

Chapter 17 - Cat, Rat, and Dog

Q1 - What is the worst injury you’ve had?

Q2 -  If your best friend was in the most haunted place in the world, would you go rescue them?

Q3 - Did you suspect the dog was Sirius black?

Q3 - How has Ron’s character progressed over these books?

Q4 - Is Harry’s anger justified here? 

Q5 - Why is Black being so unclear here?

Q6 - Do you understand what they are talking about here?

Chapter 18 - Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

Q1 - Who is right here? Lupin for waiting, or Black for wanting to kill Peter first?

Q2 - Why didn’t Scabbers try to escape earlier on?

Q3 - I ask again, what would you be if you could be an Animagus?

Q4 - Was Dumbledore right to let Lupin come to school?

Q5 - Why does Hogwarts have such a rag-tag bunch of teachers?

Q6 - Do you know and understand how truly difficult it is to become an Animagus?

Q7 - What was the craziest/most dangerous thing you’ve done in your life?

Q8 - Have you ever put someone else’s life in danger?

Q9 - Do you have any sympathy for Snape?