Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Ch 19-22

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk about how terrible the Dursleys are and how good the end of this book is.

Episode Notes

Chapter 19 - The Servant of Lord Voldemort

Q1 - What do you think of both Harry and Snape’s statements?

Q2 - Were they right to attack a teacher?

Q3 - What do you think of this whole story so far?

Q4 - Do you get the secret keeper thing still?

Q5 - Is Ron nuts for letting Scabbers sleep in his bed?

Q6 - Why would Harry change his murderous tone after learning of all this, is he right to show mercy to Pettigrew?

Q7 - What are your thoughts on Pettigrew, Lupin, James, and Sirius now?

Chapter 20 - The Dementor’s Kiss

Q1 - Is it at all crazy that Harry now is okay with living with Sirius?

Q2 - Do you think it's feasible that someone like Lupin forgot to take his potion?

Q3 - What did you think Harry’s patronus was on finishing this chapter?

Q4 - Who did you think cast the patronus on your first read?

Chapter 21 - Hermione’s Secret

Q1 - What do you think about the dynamic between Snape and Dumbledore in this book?

Q2 - What do you think of the time turner?

Q3 - Have you ever felt like you ran into a past or future version of yourself?

Q4 - What would you do if you had one day with the time turner?

Q5 - Do you think Dumbledore was just playing here, or did he assume Harry would fly Buckbeak away?

Q6 - Hermione’s response is that Harry’s dad is dead, is she the single worst comfort giver on the face of the planet?

Q7 - Did you think this might have been James at this point?

Q8 - Should their goodbye have been a little longer?

Chapter 22 - Owl Post Again

Q1 - Do you think Snape is good?

Q2 - Do you think Fudge is serious?

Q3 - Do you think Dumbledore or Harry is more right here? Did Harry actually do anything of worth?

Q4 - After Dumbledore even thinks she’s only had two real predictions, do you think Trelawney is a fraud or actually good?

Q5 - What do you think Dumbledore is talking about here?

Q6 - Do you think Dumbledore is right here? 

Q7 - Should witches and wizards be required to take muggle studies?

Q8 - The quidditch world cup is happening next summer, what countries would you guess are quidditch powerhouses?

Q9 - How’d you like this book?