Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Ch 5-8

Episode Summary

Jon and Lizzy talk about the next chapters of Azkaban and whether or not Trelawney is ALWAYS right.

Episode Notes

Chapter 5 - The Dementor

Q1-  Do you think Mrs Weasley gave the love potion to Mr Weasley?

Q2 - Why does Mr Weasley give Harry this advice to not go looking for Black?

Q3 - Would you ever want to visit the Honeydukes and the Shrieking Shack?

Q4 - Why would a building be more haunted than other buildings?

Q5 - What are your thoughts on Dementors?

Q6 - What do you think Hermione and McGonagall talked about?

Q7 - Do you think Hagrid will be a good teacher?

Chapter 6 - Talons and Tea Leaves

Q1 - What do you think of Dementors sucking the happiness out of a place?

Q2 - Do you think Hermione could handle the workload of three classes at once?

Q3 - Would you want to take a Divination class?

PREDICTION #1 - Nevilles Grandma is Ill.

PREDICTION #2 - Parvati must beware a red-haired man.

PREDICTION #3 - February will bring the flu…she will lose her voice.

PREDICTION #4 - By Easter one of them will leave forever.

PREDICTION #5 - Lavender’s dread will happen Friday the sixteenth of October.

PREDICTION #6 - Neville breaking the pink cup. HAPPENED

Q4 - What are your thoughts on Trelawney?

Q5 - Can you drink scalding hot tea/coffee?

PREDICTION #7 - Harry has a deadly enemy.

PREDICTION #8 - The club…an attack.

PREDICTION #9 - The skull…danger in his path.

PREDICTION #10 - The grim…an omen of death.

PREDICTION #11 - Neville will be late to the next class.

Q6 - Thoughts on McGonagall's thoughts on Trelawney?

Q7 - What do you think about Animagi?

Q8 - If you were part of the Magical World, would you be more like Ron or Hermione with superstitions and grims?

Q9 - Should Hagrid have left a note with the students for how they should open their books?

Q10 - Would you want to ride a broomstick or a Hippogriff?

Q11 - Is Hagrid a good teacher?

Q12 - Is Sirius Black that serious that Hagrid is upset at the trio for visiting him in the dark?

Chapter 7 - The Boggart in the Wardrobe

Q1 - Have you ever milked an injury?

Q2 - Would you be good at potions?

Q3 - Do you think the Ministry of Magic should have someone in the 911 Dispatch office? Or do you think they can bug certain words…like Sirius Black?

Q4 - What doesn’t Harry know that Malfoy knows about Sirius Black?

Q5 - What is wrong with Snape to be testing on Neville’s toad?

Q6 - How do you think Hermione is taking all these classes?

Q7 - What are your first thoughts on Lupin?

Q8 - What would the Boggart take shape if you confronted it? (aka, what frightens you?)

Q9 - How would you change your biggest fear into something humorous?

Q10 - What is Lupin afraid of?

Chapter 8 - Flight of the Fat Lady

Q1 - How do you think the Fat Lady feels that she is just known as the Fat Lady?

Q2 - Is Hermione a good pet owner?

Q3 - If you started a magical shop in Hogsmeade, what would it be?

Q4 - What is this potion that Snape gives Lupin?

Q5 - How is fearing fear most wise?

Q6 - How good is the end of this chapter?!