Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Ch 1-5

Episode Summary

Lizzy and Jon talk over the first five chapters of Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone. There's some good discussion on Harry as a person and initial impressions, as well as more information on just how little Lizzy remembers from this series.

Episode Notes

Chapter 1 - The Boy Who Lived

Q1 - What are your general impressions of McGonagall, Dumbledore, Hagrid, and the Dursleys?

Q2 - Why can McGonagall transform into a cat? And if you could transform into an animal which would you choose?

Q3 - Why do you think Voldemort could not kill Harry?

Q4 - Do you think Dumbledore was right to separate Harry from the magical world?

Q5 - What year do you think all this happened?

Q6 - Is Dumbledore irresponsible for leaving Harry on the doorstep with just a letter?

Q7 - Why do you think it took so long for Dumbly and Hagrid to get to Privet Drive?

Chapter 2 - The Vanishing Glass

Q1 - Who is the nastiest to Harry?

Q2 - When you were a kid what was your favorite breakfast?

Q3 - Out of all the magical things Harry can do in chapter 2, which do you think was the coolest?

Q4 - What are your first thoughts about Harry?

Q5 - What was the best birthday gift you ever got?

Q6 - Do you think it’s normal for a wizard to be able to talk to snakes?

Q7 - What is this flash of green light and pain on his forehead?

Chapter 3 - The Letters From No One

Q1 - Do you think the knobbly sticks are a useful teaching/character building tool?

Q2 - Why do the Dursleys not want him to get this letter?

Q3 - Do you think you can “stamp out” being a wizard? What do you think happens to people who suppress their magic?

Q4 - Do you wonder if these letters are duplicated by magic or if Hogwarts is handwriting all these letters to Harry?

Q5 - How would you have gotten the letter if you were Harry?

Q6 - What’s your most memorable birthday?

Q7 - What’s going to happen next?

Chapter 4 - The Keeper of Keys

Q1 - What was Dudley dreaming about?

Q2 - If you are starving in a hut and a massive giant breaks in and starts cooking up a meal, what would you hope that he made?

Q3 - What are your first impressions of Hagrid? What’s up with his assault of Dudley?

Q4 - The logistics and maybe ethics of Hagrid throwing an owl out of the door in the middle of a raging storm is interesting. Let’s discuss.

Q5 - Is it alarming or endearing that Hagrid can’t spell Voldemort?

Q6 - Why do you think Voldemort tried to kill Harry and killed Lily and James?

Q7 - Do you have any theories about what stumped Voldy about Harry?

Q8 - Hagrid says that us Muggles would want all our problems solved with magic. Do you think this is true? And what is the first problem you are fixing with magic?

Chapter 5 - Diagon Alley

Q1- Should the wizarding world have more than one bank? That seems like a bad monopoly.

Q2 - Hagrid and Harry took the boat off the island. How long were the Dursleys stranded there before they got off?

Q3 - Which book sounds the most interesting from Harry’s book list?

Q4 - What is the weirdest thing you think Hagrid keeps in his pocket?

Q5 - Does Draco have the wrong wand? His mother picked it up for him…

Q6 - If you could choose your wand, which wand core would you want and why?

Q7 - How do we like Hagrid?