First Time Readers

The Fellowship of the Ring: Ch 13-15

Episode Summary

Jon, Lizzy, Danny, and Jenn talk about all things in the council of Elrond, especially Gimli and Elrond's rap battle exchange.

Episode Notes

Chapter 13 - Many Meetings

Q1 - What is Gandalf talking about?

Q2 - Is Gandalf a killjoy?

Q3 - I don’t know what any of this means, but Tolkien knows how to make a character introduction.

Q4 - This guy sounds amazing.

Q5 - What does the ring actually do? This was terrifying.

Q6 - How do Bilbo and Strider know each other?

Q7 - What is going on here?

Q8 - Anyone else get all hot and bothered after this scene?

Q9 - This chapter hooked me.

Chapter 14 - The Council of Elrond

Q1 - What do you think of the Council?

Q2 - What do you think this moment is really about? What does this phrase mean?

Q3 - What do you think Gollum’s purpose is?

Q4 - Do you think Gollum could be made well?

Q5 - What do you think of Bilbo here?

Q6 - What do you think of Frodo?

Q7 - The books give more respect to Hobbits.

Q8 - Sam is the greatest.

Chapter 15 - The Ring Goes South

Q1 - Merry and Pippen are the best.

Q2 - Is Bill your favorite member of the fellowship?

Q3 - This is so good!

Q4 - Do you think the snowstorm they were caught in was by some evil design?